What’s Inside! Presidents Corner, What We’ve Been Up To!, Upcoming Events, Our Fave Horse of
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Editor’s Note ‘Hay’ everyone! Welcome to our quarterly newsletter! Please read all about it! Let us know if you would like to add an article in the future. Send me an email: gizelle@hopeheldbyahorse.org
Newsletters will be published each quarter on our website: HopeHeldByAHorse.org (January, April, July, and October).
Make sure you check out the YouTube channel, hit like on the videos, and subscribe! We are trying to build the channel and publish more content for you to watch. HopeHeldbyaHorse YouTube Channel Let us know if there is a topic you would like us to film about!
Brighton Collectibles Belmar Mall will be donating $10 for every Power of Pink bracelet sold to Hope Held by a Horse! Can’t make it in? Give Brighton Collectibles at Belmar Mall a call and they can send you pictures, make your purchase over the phone, and ship straight to you! Brighton Belmar 303-975-9443
We’ve just earned our 2023 Gold Seal with Candid! We are excited to share the work our nonprofit does through our #NonprofitProfile. Learn how you can support us and make a difference: Candid Guidestar